Helen C Dixon


Nullam a ex hendrerit, suscipit dui non, viverra nulla. Aenean venenatis convallis sagittis. Morbi eros leo, molestie in mattis eu, bibendum a lacus. Nullam luctus interdum orci, at ullamcorper odio rhoncus nec. Donec fermentum risus at cursus ultrices. Curabitur pulvinar leo non magna gravida accumsan. Aenean maximus felis non quam dapibus, sed viverra quam accumsan.


Raku pot pulled hot from the kiln
Raku pot pulled hot from the kiln
Copper raku lidded box
Copper raku lidded box
Copper glazed raku leaf
Copper glazed raku leaf
Copper glazed raku lidded box
Copper glazed raku lidded box
Lidded box with raku glaze
Lidded box with raku glaze
Lidded box with raku glaze
Lidded box with raku glaze
Lidded box with raku glaze
Lidded box with raku glaze
Peek into the kiln
Peek into the kiln

Raku firing is a dynamic process that involves pulling the pots red hot from the kiln and plunging them straight into wood shavings or other combustible materials to deprive the glazes of oxygen. This creates beautiful rich crackly glazes over smokey black clay.